Basic VS Code HTML & CSS commands and Notes


  1. Ctrl + /
    (Hidding Command)

  2. Shift + Alt + up/down arrow
    copy line up or down

  3. Alt + Click
    type in multiple lines

  4. Alt + up/down arrow key
    send lines up down

  5. type input:checkbox

  6. type input:date/color/time/datetime-local
    for date time color input

  7. type input:email

  8. use (hr) tag for bringing lines

  9. use (textarea name="Confusion solver" rows="4" cols="48" id="" placeholder="") (/textarea) tag
    for comments or etc.

  10. use (button type="submit/reset" value="SUBMIT")Submit (/button type) tag
    for submit button or etc.

  11. use button:s/d/r tag
    for for submit reset or disable full code

  12. Table commands and properties

                         (table border="1" class="yellow")
                                  (th colspan="2")The table header(/th)
                                  (td)The table body(/td)
                                  (td)with two columns(/td)

    This is a small format to make a table in html Note, while using these tags use this bracket in all <>

    For eg.

    The table header
    The table body with two columns

  13. Ordered List (ol)
    Unordered List (ul)

    OL example:-
    1. (ol type="I or i or 1 or a or A")
      write anything within 'li'

    UL example:-
    • (ul type="square or circle or disk")
      write anything within 'li'

    For more information you can take mdn reference on web.

  14. Use anchor tag

    for links i.e. (a href="" )click here to go to wikepidia(/a)
    (a href="" target="_blank")click here to go to wikepidia(/a)

    for opening in new tab...........

    Note : use <> brackets for above code

  15. use & nbsp;(1space) or & emsp; (4space)
    for spacing without pre tag

  16. use a:mail or etc.
    for mailing link or etc.

  17. use (a href="http://xyz.etc") (imgsrc ='file name" width="20") (/a)
    for adding links to images

  18. Use select tag, i.e.
    (select name="city" id="city" size="123")
    (OPTION VALUE="place")Amritsar
    (OPTION VALUE="place")Karnal
    (OPTION VALUE="place")Noida
    (OPTION VALUE="place")Ghaziabad
    (OPTION VALUE="place" SELECTED)New Delhi

    For column type selection, keep the value same for merging it or different to prevent merging or if you dont face any problem then keep the value as per your wish all the cells will merge as per command,

    Note:- It is not recommended to use size element in select tag and if you are

    writing starting tag in capital then it is

    preferable to write ending tag in capital too.

    Use <> bracket in all above tags

  19. Use label for tag outside and id tag in input tag
    for word selection to select radio button checkboxes etc.
    For eg.

    (label for="female")
    (input type="radio" name="gender"
    value="Female" id="female")Female
    (label for="others")
    (input type="radio" name="gender" value="others"

    Note: Use <> brackets instead of ()

  20. you can use mailto:soandso or form.php in form action tag
    as per situation

  21. use selected or checked tag in last
    for default selection

  22. for embedding any video or part of a website, or youtube video if, then click on share and embedd option
    copy the codes and paste on vscode under div tag and video will be placed on your website
    for eg.

  23. use iframe tag for embedding a external webpage to your website

    for eg.

  24. use video tag to embeedd a video
    for eg. (video src="ABCD.mp4" controls/autoplay/loop width="")(/video)

  25. use meta tag for eg. meta:desc for getting description tag
    for adding description to your website

  26. use link:favicon
    for adding a favicon on your tab

  27. Use & copy; for copyright symbol ©

  28. CSS Commands and shortcuts 2.0

  29. use link:css command to add a stylesheet to your page
    or you may add on the line or in the same coding page

    For aligning text in center use text align center tag.

  30. Note : It is recommended to keep the height while using css Auto for better responsive website

  31. #something is used to define id in stylesheet
    and .something is used to define class in stylesheet

  32. For adding class to any tag use for eg. div.class or h1.class or etc. .class is used for class in css for adding any id to any tag use div#idname or h6#idname or etc.#id is used for id in css for adding stylesheet you can use

    background-color: red;
    color: white;

    color: white;
    background-color: red

  33. OR

    Multiple styling in one stylesheet

    (style) (means pre of class red){
    background-color: red;
    color: white;
    #id, h1{
    color: white;
    body, head{
    background-color: red

    We can style multiple tags in one stylesheet by just inserting a comma ,

    * {} can be used as the universal or styling all the tags in the same time .

  34. we can also use height tag for eg. height: 344px
    for increasing height of the css stylesheet

  35. We can use m0+p0 for adding increasing decreasing marging and padding etc. for eg. margin: 0; padding: 0;

  36. instead of adding color for eg. background-color or color: red, green blue etc.
    we can use
    • red,green,blue i.e. rgb (0,0,0)

      red, green, blue, alpha / opacity(rgba) i.e. rgba(231,21,238,0.438)

    • HEX i.e. color: #ff7180;
    • hue, saturation, lightness i.e. hsl(8,90%,63%)

    • OR

      hue, saturation, lightness,alpha i.e. hsla(8,90%,63%,o.438)

      Note : hsla and rgba is not much used in present by programers, although we can use them too.

  37. If we want any image to set as a background in our file we can use the tags and elements
    for eg.

    body {
    background-image: url (downloadedimg.jpg)

    Note: the image will by default repeat in x and y axis
    if you dont want it to repeat
    then you can use background repeat property.... i.e.

    body {
    background-image: url ('downloadedimg.jpg');
    background-repeat: repeat-x;


    background-repeat: repeat-y;


    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    For more info. you can see the mdn reference page about background image repeat property.

  38. Background size property
    below are some tags you can use to edit the background image....

    background-image: url('bgi.jpg')

    background-repeat: no-repeat or repeat-x or repeat-y;

    background-size: 633px(width) 455px(height) or contain or cover or auto;

    background-positiion: top center right left bottom etc.;

    (use without comma , )

    width: 344px;

    height: 344px;

    border: 2px solid red;

    color: black;


    Comma not required above

  39. Important,   Aim ( , )

  40. Background attachment property
    (It is used for scrolling themes to fix the background image at one place or run it while scrolling)
    below are some tags you can use to edit the background image.....

    Body {
    background-attachment: scroll or
    fixed or local;
    Note: if you want to use all of them at same time use comma ,

    Click the below image for practice and reference

  41. We can also set margin and padding in shorthand as, for eg.

    margin: 4px(top) 3px(right) 2px (bottom) 1px(left)
    OR, you may use....
    padding:3px (top and bottom) 4px(left and right);
    OR, you may use....
    padding:3px (top) 4px(left and right) 5px(bottom);

    marging: 3px 4px 5px 6px;
    padding: 3px 4px;
    border: 3px 4px 5px;

    Note:- Dont use a comma , between them, and top right and all are just labels so dont use or ignore them while coding .
    For remembering them, think about a clock.

  42. Multiple class property
    We can add multiple class at same time in same tag for eg.

    (p class="Red BGI green ") these are class (/p)

    Note: Use<> brackets above instead of (),and dont insert a comma, while adding multiple classes.

  43. Multiple or Shorthand Background property #infinite in one
    We can add multiple background at same time in same stylesheet for eg.


    background: red url(apjabdulkalam.jpg) no-repeat cover etc.;
    } (/style)

    Note: Use the same brackets as above except style tag,.
    Dont insert a comma , between the elements .

  44. Ordered List (ol)
    Unordered List (ul)

    OL & UL CSS example:-
    1. {
      upper-roman or lower-roman or upper-alpha or lower-alpha or numeric or etc. ;

    2. OR

    3. {
      list-style-type: Square or circle or etc. ;


    UL & OL example:-
    • (ol class="li" type="1 or I or A or etc.")
      Write Something here under li tag
    • (ul class="li" type="square or circle or etc.")
      Write Something here under li tag

    • Use this brackets {} instead is this () .

    For more information you can take mdn reference on web.

  45. nav tag like span , div ,etc.
    is used for navigation, for eg. status bar, taskbar and all

  46. for making more responsive websites we use veiwpotwidth or height i.e.
    height: 100vh or vw instead of px i.e. pixels.

  47. vw is veiw port width (device width)and vh is veiw port height (device height)

    For example

    ul {
    width: 100vw;
    height: 100vh;

    Use this brackets {} instead is this () .
    genrally used for nav tag

  48. We can increase the font height by
    font-size: 17px;

  49. Border

  50. For more border preferences we can go to mdn reference,
    for eg.
    border-style: solid/dotted or etc.

    If we want to shorthand border
    For eg.

    body {
    border-width: 2px;
    border-style: solid;
    border-color: red;

    we can use this in respective and order same as above :-

    For eg.

    body {
    border: 2px solid red;

    Without a comma ,

  51. If required then keep the font size as default for responsiveness

    For eg.

    body {

  52. How to make border corners rounded

    For eg.

    .roundborder {
    border-redius: 150px;


  53. Fonts And Display Property

  54. Display and Font Property

    Display : inline

      For eg.

      Before (display: block;)

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

      After (display: inline;)

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

      More elements that can be used :-

    1. display: inline;
    2. display: inline-block;
    3. display: block;
    4. display: none; (content will be removed)
    5. visibility: hidden; (content will take space but not visible, space will be reserved)

    Text Align Property

      For eg.

    1. text-align: center;

    2. text-align: left;

    3. text-align: right;

    4. text-align: justify;...... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Explicabo quaerat consectetur, et amet nesciunt porro pariatur veritatis, consequatur rem quo ab enim ipsum autem, quis itaque. Natus dolore tempora eius inventore hic distinctio ipsum.

    Text Decoration Property

      For eg.

      Click the image to test it...

    1. text-decoration: underline;
    2. text-decoration: dotted;
    3. text-decoration: under;
    4. text-decoration: wavy;
    5. text-decoration: blue; and so more...

    Text Transform Property

      For eg.

    1. text-transform: capitalize;
    2. text-transform: uppercase;
    3. text-transform: none;
    4. text-transform: full-width;
    5. text-transform: full-size-kana; and so more...

    Line Height Property

      For eg.

    1. line-height: normal;
    2. line-height: 2.5;
    3. line-height: 3em;
    4. line-height: 150%;
    5. line-height: 32px; and so more...

    Font Styles

      For eg.

      More Font Styles...(Click on the link bellow for reference)

    1. font-size
    2. font-stretch
    3. font-style
    4. font-variant
    5. font-weight
    6. line-height

    Font Family Property

      For eg.

      For reference, how to add google fonts or use font family See this video and to test click the image above...

      Web Safe Fonts

      10 Best Web Safe Fonts are :-

    1. Arial. Arial is like the de
    2. Times New Roman.
    3. Times. The Times font proba
    4. Courier New.
    5. Courier.
    6. Verdana.
    7. Georgia.
    8. Palatino.
    9. Garamond.
    10. Bookman.
    11. Use :- font: cursive , palatino ;

  55. Size, Position and lists

  56. Size, Position and lists Properties

    Position Properties


    1. position: static;
    2. position: relative;
    3. position: absolute;
    4. position: fixed; (for footer)
    5. position: sticky; (for header)

    6. /* Global values */

    7. position: inherit;
    8. position: initial;
    9. position: revert;
    10. position: unset;

    11. Click the below image for practice and reference

    List style property


      /* type */
      list-style: square;

      /* image */
      list-style: url('../img/shape.png');

      /* position */
      list-style: inside;

      /* type | position */
      list-style: georgian inside;

      /* type | image | position */
      list-style: lower-roman url('../img/shape.png') outside;

      /* Keyword value */
      list-style: none;

      /* Global values */
      list-style: inherit;
      list-style: initial;
      list-style: revert;
      list-style: unset;

      Click the below image for practice and reference

      Z-index Reference

      Click the below image for practice and reference

  57. Flexbook

  58. Flexbook

    Float Property


    /* Keyword values */
    float: left;
    float: right;
    float: none;
    float: inline-start;
    float: inline-end;

    /* Global values */
    float: inherit;
    float: initial;
    float: revert;
    float: unset;

    Click the below image for practice and reference

    Clear Property


    /* Keyword values */
    clear: none;
    clear: left;
    clear: right;
    clear: both;
    clear: inline-start;
    clear: inline-end;

    /* Global values */
    clear: inherit;
    clear: initial;
    clear: revert;
    clear: unset;

    Click the below image for practice and reference

    Flex-Direction Property


    /* The direction text is laid out in a line */
    flex-direction: row;

    /* Like , but reversed */
    flex-direction: row-reverse;

    /* The direction in which lines of text are stacked */
    flex-direction: column;

    /* Like , but reversed */
    flex-direction: column-reverse;

    /* Global values */
    flex-direction: inherit;
    flex-direction: initial;
    flex-direction: revert;
    flex-direction: unset;

    Click the below image for practice and reference

    Flex Container

    Flex Items

  59. CSS Grid

  60. Animation, Transform and Transition

  61. Animation, Transform and Transition Property

    Property reference

  62. Media Queries

  63. Media Queries Property

    Property reference

  64. Text Area and Forms